
The Action Research Pearltree was created to help practitioners find their way around the many webpages covering the theory and practice of action research. The Pearltree has been organised so you can find readings, for example, on action research or on research project themes. Pearltrees is an online web application which as well as storing hyperlinks, allows you to add documents, notes and links to other Pearltrees, all of which are organised into sections.

Peraltree imageYou can find instructions on how to navigate Pearltrees in the eCPD module. You can also access a list of core texts on action research.

‘Teachers can only really be professional if they are able to engage in and with research around ‘best practice’ in their profession….’

Carr and Kemmis, 1986

‘To be at their most effective, teachers and teacher educators need to engage with research and enquiry – this means keeping up to date with the latest developments in their academic subject or subjects and with developments in the discipline of education.’

BERA –RSA Inquiry into Research and Teacher Education, 2014